Friday, March 30, 2012

Casino etiquette

Hi, I know it is frowned upon to take photographs inside casinos, but is it okay to just stop and watch people playing at the tables? have only been once before and we werent sure if it was okay or not so we just sort of hovered for a moment then moved on. Thanks!!

Casino etiquette

depends on who your an attention hog I enjoy it, but I think some people think it is bad luck, well if they lose they might say it was bad luck and get mad.

Casino etiquette

its generally ok, especially if you%26#39;re trying to decide if you want to play at the table. however, give the person you%26#39;re watching some personal space, i%26#39;d say to stand at least 3 feet away. it will definitely be fine if you%26#39;re observing a full table, but if only 1 or 2 people are playing it is weird if you stay and watch too long if you don%26#39;t know anyone at the table. i wouldn%26#39;t stick around any longer than 5 minutes. make sure not to make any comments though.

You should be fine taking pictures of yourselves but privacy laws come into play if you take pictures of strangers whilst they%26#39;re gambling.

You should really ask a security person in any casino purely out of courtesy before taking any pictures.

For the most part, it is really OK to take pics inside the casinos. The trouble spots are the money cage and the pit area and other people beyond those in your group.

As far as watching - just depends on who you watch. Some like, some not so much.

I personally dislike being watched while playing in a casino. If you%26#39;re sitting next to me, I will chat a little, but not much. I work with and for people all day. I go to Vegas and local casinos to ';get away from it all.'; If you want to hang out and people-watch, go sit on a bench by Bellagio. I understand that there are couples where one is a gambler and the other is not, and it is usually those who annoy me the most. One will just sit there, doing nothing but hogging a machine, or hover nearby, looking uncomfortable. They%26#39;re just taking up space in the casino as far as I%26#39;m concerned. Maybe I%26#39;m a bit paranoid being from a big city, but if I%26#39;m winning and you%26#39;re just watching me, what%26#39;s to say you won%26#39;t follow me after I cash out and ';persuade'; me to share? That%26#39;s an extreme, yes, but it just makes me feel uncomfortable, that%26#39;s all. OK, off my soapbox, but since you asked....:)

you have to pay to watch Jaco, but I%26#39;ll pay you to watch me!

i should temper my remarks, i encourage attactive young ladies to watch, but I prefer them to sit on my lap so they don%26#39;t have to strain to see the action

It%26#39;s not frowned upon to take pictures in Las Vegas Casinos. It is frowned upon to take pictures in the Atlantis casino in the Bahamas.

Don%26#39;t take pictures of strangers. Don%26#39;t go into the high limit area to gawk.

I watch people gamble. Craps can be especially fun to watch. I watch roulette and play along too with my wife. We both pick a number and root for it. We never hit.

change your number to #17 and bet $225 on it on a table with a $200 limit, it will hit, then think fast and tell the croupier that the $25 was ';for the boys';

Watch, if you want too watch, anyone objects tell them in sailors language where their anterior entrance is located.

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