All these questions regarding fine dining, and no pictures to back it up with. It would be nice to submit pics of your favorite dining plate, what it is and where it%26#39;s at. Remember a fine dining expierence begins with the visual effects of a great meal to come. So remember if you carry a camera take a photo before indulging. I remember A Broken Alice submitting a pic of her steak and lobster at the cortez and she was right on the money we ate there in August and it was everything and more than what she showed in her pic, but it sure did help.
Thanks BrokenAlice
DinningI have to admist that I too like seeing pictures, but I am also too embarrassed to take pictures of my food at restaurants - it just feels weird.
DinningYes I%26#39;m afraid that taking a picture of my food before a romantic dinner in an upscale restaurant just ain%26#39;t going to happen...... :-)
Ditto for;s just too much. I may check out the restaurant website first and online menus. But I let my imagination take hold and usually know what I like by the menu descriptions. Besides, if you have a picture of what everything %26#39;should%26#39; look like, I think it ruins the excitement of trying something new.
Hi, you guys...I also feel the same about taking pics at the upscale places but I do feel okay about it at some other places like Margueritaville etc. Just tell those who gawk that you%26#39;re a photo
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