Sunday, April 15, 2012

christmas decorations

Going to vegas the third week in November. Do you think it will be decorated for Christmas by then?

christmas decorations

For an over the top city- Vegas doesnt%26#39; do an over the top Christmas. The Bellagio%26#39;s conservatory is always a treat but I called and they said it wouldn%26#39;t be up until December 7th this year. Caesars Palace always puts a big tree up out front. Downtown has its own tree lighting ceremony. You will see some Christmas decorations and hear some music but they really don%26#39;t go overboard with the Christmas spirit-at least not compared to other major cities.

Two nice Christmasy places- Ehtel M Cactus Garden at night. They put thousands of Christmas lights on the Cacti and it is really beautiful. Santa and carolers show up on week-ends.

Sam%26#39;s Town also does a nice job of decorating for Christmas-especially their indoor park. The laser show turns into a Christmas one. Cute!

Here is a link to what was available last year:…

You can call the various places to see when they are putting up their displays. I am sure some of them will be up by the end of November.

christmas decorations

vp03 is right, Vegas doesn%26#39;t do a lot where Christmas is concerned. I remember the first time I was ever in Vegas in Dec, thought it%26#39;d be the same as other cities, lights and decorations everywhere....wrong!

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