Wednesday, April 18, 2012

New Years?

How is New Years in Vegas? I can get a free room at Caesars...which is the best? (even though I know that I am not guaranteed that room) And is it crazy to go there for my first visit?

New Years?

We spent New Year%26#39;s in Vegas this past year and it was fantastic. Stayed at the Venetian for a week and enjoyed every minute of it. The strip is a blast on New Year%26#39;s Eve. They close it off to traffic so you can walk up and down without any cars. Many hotels shoot off fireworks at midnight, so you see quite a show. We stood out on the bridge over the canal at Venetian and we saw fireworks shooting over 4 different hotels. Plus you have tons of sports betting during that time, college bowl games, NFL, NBA and hockey. Great time to go, the only thing really missing is pool time (although Venetian has a heated pool so you can swim; too cold to lay out).

New Years?

Although I spend NYE in Vegas for many years I only went to the strip once. They close traffic on the strip late afternoon and it fills with people. At some points you couldn%26#39;t move independently- you went where the crowd pushed you. Think Time Square in NYC. Some of the hotels will set off fireworks at midnight. If you have gone too far from your hotel it may be a while before you can get back. I wanted to see what is was like. I don%26#39;t regret going but I would not go at that time again. If you like mob scenes you will be fine.……

I feel like Its worth it to go once in my life. We are still deciding though. Thanks!

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