Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My country does not exist - in Las Vegas!!

I booked my hotels (MC and Luxor) yesterday for my upcoming trip, next april.

When it came to the address bit, I was looking for ';United Kingdom'; - not there. No ';Great Britain'; either. Wow, i thought perhaps ';Wales'; is there. NO! No where to be found.

In the end, I had to put my address as ENGLAND!!! (Although I did consider putting Northern Ireland for a while as its almost as close!) Now I have no issue with England - but i dont live there!!! For those of you living on the other side of the atlantic, it would be equivalent of putting your address as Canada!

I only hope that they dont try and send me any mail in the post - my postman will be very confused!!

Perhaps we have been taken over by England and no one told me - lol!!

My country does not exist - in Las Vegas!!

I live on the other side of the Atlantic, and my address is Canada.

But I see your point. I would call to make sure the honour your reservation, the might get sticky when checking your id.

My country does not exist - in Las Vegas!!

OMG - Thats disgraceful

I would not be able to book! lol

Canada... HA!

Don%26#39;t some who live on the other side of the Atlantic live in Canada? Odd statement, we get the point.

Your country does exist in LV - just not on the pull-down list for whichever reservation you used. If using a credit card you might want to contact that res system, or the hotels directly and make sure that the difference in country name isn%26#39;t an issue since many times the addresses must match

I would defintely contact the res system and let them know - someone clearly didn%26#39;t proof - and this is a major error that needs to be fixed.

If it ain%26#39;t Dutch, it ain%26#39;t much.

Thats quite funny because when we were getting married in vegas the licence office wouldn%26#39;t let us put Great Britain or UK. We had to put Wales and England. Maybe we%26#39;ll eventually get a happy medium!

Sorry sorry sorry - didnt mean to offend any Canadians!! I re-wrote that sentence a few times (and i was very sleepy when i did it!). I guess it didnt come out as I intended it. But you get my meaning!!

However, i think my mistake nicely illustrates my point!! Its not nice!! lol!

Oxygenator - good point about the reservation. I will check with them. However, I cant be the first Welsh person to book into the Luxor or MC, can I??

What Would Tom Jones Do? :)

I am not sure Tom Jones knows where Wales is either these days!! lol!

Moqui: I just checked the Luxor%26#39;s site and ';United Kingdom'; actually IS on the list (Wales is not though).

Granted United Kingdom is not where you would expect it to be, but if you use the drop down box, start hitting ';U';, you%26#39;ll find it wedged in between ';Gabon'; and ';Grenada'; ... go figure!

Best of luck with the rest of your trip.

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